10 Risks of Dark Web Online Dating

Risks of Dark Web Online Dating

Are you aware of the risks of dark web online dating? If not, then read this article, as we have shared some common risks of online dating and tips to keep it safe.

In recent times, there have been a huge number of online dating platforms for seeking companionship and connections, but while some people find their true love, there is also a dark side of these platforms that cannot be ignored. Many online daters are not real; they are just scammers using the platform and building fake relations with the victims. Moreover, criminals also use dark web online dating sites to commit fraud.

10 Common Risks of Dark Web Online Dating

Below, we mentioned some common risks in online dating.

1. Fake Dating Profiles

There is a term called catfishing, which means a fake online dating profile that uses attractive photos to attract victims into a relationship. These dark web online dating scams feel too good to be true, and victims continue the relationships in the hope that they are real. But after some time, the scammers start to ask about your personal information or money.

2. Scammers Asking for Money

In most cases, the online scammers first gain your trust and then ask for money or gifts to further your relationship. Moreover, they also ask you to help them with unexpected emergencies like medical expenses, needing to take care of a relative, etc.

3. Identity Theft and Romance Scams

Some fake dark web online dating profiles will trap you and try to get your personal information like your home address and email. It helps them to crack the passwords and hack your online accounts. Some scammers will even try to take your sensitive information, like your security numbers and bank account information, to prove you are not hiding any information from them in the name of romance.

4. Fake Dating Sites

Fake online dating apps or websites offer the promise of easy hookups or the perfect match, but in reality, they are only full of bots and fake accounts. These sites ask you to provide your personal information, like your photos or face ID, for verification purposes and then use them for identity theft. However, some online sites are also full of malware, which can cause harm to your devices so, be careful while signing up for a profile on online dating sites.

5. Blackmailing

Many people on dark web online dating sites look for a sexual relationship and start to ask for sensitive photos and videos, and if you send them, then they will start to threaten you to leak your sensitive data to your family, friends, and coworkers if you don’t pay a ransom.

6. Fake Identity Scams

Some scammers pretend to be overseas doctors, developers, or engineers to seem genuine. And once you get into a relationship with them, they will start to ask you for money to help their family or to invest somewhere. They will manipulate you by saying that they are dealing with bank issues as they are overseas; however, once you send them money, they will disappear and delete their accounts.

7. Emotional Manipulations

There are not only financial risks of dark web online dating, but there are also emotional manipulations like physiological trauma and trust issues that can have lasting effects on individuals.

8. Online Cryptocurrency Scams

Online cryptocurrency scams are one of the most dangerous and recent dating scams. In this scam, the scammers build a trusted long-term relationship, and as they get to know each other, the fraudster will start to talk about cryptocurrencies and offer to open a legitimate cryptocurrency account and deposit money into it, then encourage the victim to invest more and run away after frauding with them.

9. Remote Control

Fraudsters use technology to control their victims remotely without meeting them in person, with location tracking applications, and use cameras that enable them to see the surroundings. They also maintain their control by threatening to leak or release intimate photos or videos.

10. Send you Phishing or malware-infected Websites

This is also one of the dangerous risks of dark web online dating as some online dating scammers will send you links and email attachments, like a photo or something similar, that contain malware or ransomware that steal your credentials when you click on them.

Tips to Keep Online Dating Safe

Here are some tips to keep online dating safe on the dark web.

  • Use trusted profiles.
  • Cross-check and verify the other person’s name, photo, location, email address, and other details for authenticity.
  • Do not share your personal information.
  • Avoid sending private photos that could lead you to any further blackmail.
  • Video chatting before meeting in person.
  • Secure your identity and accounts.
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Plan safe meeting places.
  • Listen to your gut feeling.
  • Always be careful and be aware of the risks of dark web online dating.