How Stolen Credentials Are Sold On the Dark Web

How Stolen Credentials Are Sold On the Dark Web

Do you have an idea about how stolen credentials are sold on the Dark web? Don’t worry! Read this blog post as we have shared how the cybercriminals stole the user’s data and sold them.

How Stolen Credentials Are Sold on the Dark Web?

Cyber attackers use information–stealing malware to gather credentials and offer for sale. A report has found that around 24.6 billion complete sets of usernames and passwords are currently in cybercriminal marketplaces as of this year within the set of data credentials on the dark web. The cybercriminals continue to profit well from these stolen credentials, account takeover attacks, and black-market sales of access to victim accounts. However, there is nothing new in the sharing of stolen logins on the dark web, as hackers reveal usernames and passwords through data breaches and resell them on the dark web.

How Much Prices are for the Stolen Credentials on the Dark Web?

Some logins are more worth able than others, although some are sharing passwords for free of cost; logins for other financial accounts and banks usually sell for $70 per credential. Moreover, the researchers said logins for antivirus programs are priced at $22 on average, although logins for video game platforms are a few dollars per credential.

What Criminals Do with Stolen Credentials on the Dark Web?

After successfully stealing a user’s credentials through a variety of ways like malware attacks, phishing, or data breaches, the cybercriminals take the user’s stolen data and make them items for sale on the dark net. Below is the process that how they do this.

  • Cybercriminals use various methods to seal personal information. They trick the person into giving away their password through a fake login and install dangerous software on their computers. And capture the user’s malware.
  • Then, they brought the stolen information to the darknet, which is a hidden part of the internet and cannot be accessible through usual search engines like Google.
  • On the darknet, particular websites are underground marketplaces where the stolen credentials are listed, like the products that are available in online shopping stores.
  • These stolen credentials on the dark web include items like passwords, email addresses, and personal information like bank details and social numbers.
  • The people interested in purchasing the stolen data browse these dark net markets. They search for the type of credentials they want and buy them by mostly using cryptocurrencies.
  • After purchasing the credentials they use these credentials for various illegal activities like getting access to someone’s bank account, opening fraud credit lines, and even getting away with identity theft.

Types of Profile Stolen Credentials on Dark Web

The stolen data sold on the dark net can vary from different types and values. The simple username and password combination might sell for lower prices, but the important data, which is called Fullz and consists of full profiles of the individual’s identity, are more valuable to the buyers. Below, we mentioned the varieties of Sellable stolen credentials on the dark web.

  • Combination of usernames and passwords: It is used to gain unauthorized access to various online accounts, including online banking, social media and email.
  • Email Addresses: These addresses are mainly used for spamming, phishing attacks, and contacts for further exploitation.
  • Credit Card Numbers: It is used for making unauthorized online purchases and many other things.
  • Bank Account Information: This information is used for the withdrawal of funds and fraud transactions.

Credit cards, fullz, and PayPal accounts are the most popular stolen information on the darknet; other than these, passports, driver’s licenses, frequent flyer miles, streaming accounts, dating profiles, social media accounts, bank accounts, and debit card information are also frequently stolen to sell.


In this blog post, we have discussed how stolen credentials are sold on the dark web. According to the research, account takeover has become easier for cybercriminals. Stolen logins can benefit hackers in many ways, such as stealing money or committing bank fraud.